A valuable partner in achieving your business goals

Our clients

The construction industry has its share of problems and conflicts.

A promoter-developer takes advantage of a situation of conflict between professionals and subcontractors to stop payments and send formal notices.

Following the involvement of the insurers of several of the parties involved, our client mandated us to try to find a negotiated solution to this dispute.

After a few meetings with the various parties involved, we implemented a regulation to the satisfaction of all parties including the promoter. Moreover, as a result of the regulation, all parties established a relationship of trust allowing them to develop a long-term business relationship.

A growing manufacturing company that has been developed by its sole owner-founder for nearly 30 years.

The owner does not have to think about the durability of the business since he already has his successor since one of his children has been working in the business for more than 5 years.

The company mandated us to establish a financing strategy so that the child can proceed with the redemption of the owner’s shares.

After a few meetings alone with the future buyer, it was obvious that he had no interest in becoming the owner but did not want to disappoint his father. Following a meeting with the founder to explain the situation and then a meeting where both parties were able to explain their dreams and visions, our mandate was modified.

We participated in the implementation of a family council and an advisory board. A strategy was put in place to assess the sale and/or transfer of the business based on a 3 to 5-year timeline.

A specialized contractor obtained a business 20 years ago following the death of the owner.

He wanted to sell but realized that the offers received included several clauses that could substantially reduce the final amount of the transaction.

The contractor mandated us to find a buyer who would accept the targeted amount without conditions.

After several meetings and a detailed analysis of the company we agreed to work on improving the operational procedures of the company prior to looking for a new buyer.

Despite Covid, the business is growing and the owner decided to take some time to evaluate the different options before proceeding with the sale. We established a 3-year timeline to be evaluated every year.

A manufacturer with factories around the world was looking for a way to improve sales in Quebec.

The manufacturer’s North American representative mandated us to evaluate the Quebec market.

After discussing their vision and expectations, we established the profile of the ideal partner for this manufacturer in Quebec.

We introduced them to some specialized companies, well-established in Quebec, and the manufacturer decided to do business with them to ensure the proper use of their products and maintain their position of excellence.

Acquire several companies. Our mandate was to find the rare gems!

A successful entrepreneur with several businesses wishes to acquire several companies for no other reason than to make them profitable within a maximum of 3 years and eliminate the real estate, restaurant and retail sectors.

After presenting a few companies meeting the required specifications we realized that the offers presented to the vendors were not favourable for the vendors.

We decided to withdraw since we firmly believe in the durability of businesses. One of the sellers we met during this mandate, who absolutely did not believe that a family succession was possible in his business, has modified his position following our numerous exchanges and is currently working with one of his children for a family transfer.